Pogoji nakupa

Pogoji nakupa na tej strani določajo pravice in obveznosti kupca, ob prvem obisku spletne trgovine kot tudi ob vseh nadaljnjih. Prodajalec (BIMO, d.o.o., Kranj) izjavlja, da so pogoji nakupa usklajeni z zakonom o varstvu potrošnika (ZVPot), zakonom o varstvu osebnih podatkov (Zvop-1) in priporočili Gospodarske zbornice Slovenije.

Ponudnik/prodajalec se zavezuje kupcu omogočiti stalen dostop do informacij, ki so opredeljene na spodnjem seznamu:

  • Podatki o prodajalcu (naziv in naslov podjetja).
  • Podatki za plačilo in na to vezani pogoji.
  • Podroben opis blaga.
  • Jasne cene brez skritih stroškov (podatek o višini davka in poštnine).
  • Načini za dostavo kupljenega blaga.
  • Pogoji ob morebitni zavrnitvi blaga in povračilo nastalih stroškov.

Pogoji nakupa in poslovanja se lahko kadarkoli spremenijo brez vnaprejšnjega obvestila. S samo uporabo spletnega mesta se kupec strinja z zadnjimi objavljenimi pogoji.

Kupec se strinja, da bo spletno stran uporabljal na zakonit način, v skladu z zakonom in pogoji poslovanja. Pri tem se kupec zavezuje, da na noben način ne bo škodil pravicam ponudnika in spletnega mesta ne bo uporabljal na nedovoljen način.

Naročanje blaga v spletni trgovini poteka 24 ur na dan, 7 dni v tednu. Ob naročilu izven delovnega časa je potrebno upoštevati, da bo naročilo obdelano naslednji delovni dan.

Načini plačila

Upravljavec spletne trgovine, BIMO, d.o.o., Kranj, za namen plačila blaga v spletni trgovini nudi naslednje načine plačila:

  • Plačilo po povzetju.
  • Plačilo s kreditnimi karticami.

Cene blaga

Za vse cene v spletni trgovini Vitalgo.si velja, da že vsebujejo davek na dodano vrednost (DDV), razen v primeru, da je izrecno napisano drugače. Cene veljajo od trenutka naročila in z izvedbo plačila preko enega izmed zgoraj naštetih načinov plačila. Cene stroškov dostave niso vključene v osnovno ceno.

Obvestila in kontaktni podatki

Kupec bo preko posredovanega e-poštnega naslova obveščen o nakupu. V primeru, da kupec vnese napačen naslov za dostavo, se nakup kljub temu šteje za opravljen in kupec nima pravice do odstopa od nakupa.

Kupec se mora pred nakupom strinjati z objavljenimi pogoji nakupa na tej strani. Strinjanje se v obliki obkljukanega polja opravi pred končanjem nakupnega postopka, kjer je na voljo tudi povezava do pogojev nakupa.


Dostavo naročenega blaga opravljamo preko Pošte Slovenija. Dostava se znotraj Slovenije izvrši v roku največ 48 ur od trenutka potrditve naročila.

Na vsa naročila, ki so vrednostno (po redni ceni na spletni trgovini) manjša od 39,99 € in naročena za dostavo znotraj Slovenije, se obračuna strošek pošiljanja v vrednosti 3,49 €.

Pri vseh nakupih nad 39,99 € (po redni ceni na spletni trgovini) pa je dostava znotraj Slovenije BREZPLAČNA.

Pri spletnih nakupih, pri katerih se lokacija dostave nahaja v tujini, točen strošek stranki sporočimo naknadno, saj je višina stroška odvisna od izbrane države, teže paketa in podobno. Če želite v naši spletni trgovini opraviti nakup z izbrano lokacijo dostave v tujini in vas zanima cena dostave, nam pišite na info@vitalgo.si.

Vračilo blaga

V kolikor je kupec nezadovoljen s prejetim blagom, ali pa ugotovi, da ne gre za blago, ki ga je kupil, ima pravico do reklamacije. Reklamacijo se pošlje preko spletnega obrazca, nakar prodajalec preveri potek nakupa in odpremo. V kolikor pride do ugotovitve, da je prišlo do napake na strani prodajalca, se kupcu vrne kupnina za izdelek. Kupec ima po prejemu pošiljke 8 dni časa za morebitno reklamacijo.

Blago je potrebno vrniti na naslov podjetja:

BIMO, d.o.o., Kranj
Savska loka 21B
4000 Kranj

Vračilo izdelka L´Etape Slovenia v primeru, da model ali številka ne ustreza

V kolikor z izdelkom ne boste zadovoljni, ga lahko vrnete v roku 14 dni od prejema paketa brez navedbe razloga. Vrnete lahko le nepoškodovane in nenošene izdelke, z vsemi etiketami ter priloženim računom. Prosimo vas, da izpolnite obrazec za vračilo, ki ga najdete na naši spletni strani.

Paket pošljite na:

Bimo d.o.o.
Savska loka 21b
4000 Kranj

Vračilo in menjava

Lahko se odločite za vračilo izdelka v zameno za vračilo kupnine. Menjave niso mogoče.

Za vračilo izdelka sledite spodnjim korakom:

  1. Preko spleta izpolnite in oddate obrazec za vračilo.
  2. Izdelke pošljite na zgornji naslov. Nujno priložite račun.
  3. Vašo zahtevo bomo obdelali takoj, ko prejmemo vaš paket oziroma najkasneje v 5. dneh po prejemu paketa. Vračilo kupnine lahko pričakujete v roku 21 delovnih dni od dneva, ko obdelamo vaše vračilo.

V kolikor boste izdelke vrnili na drug naslov morda vašega vračila ne bomo prejeli in ga zato ne bomo mogli odobriti.

Strošek poštnine v primeru vračila nosi kupec, ko vam pošljemo želeni izdelek nazaj, prav tako stroške poštnine krije kupec. Vračilo kupnine za vrnjene izdelke bo izvedeno z enako metodo plačila, kot ste jo izbrali pri nakupu. Kupnina bo vrnjena najpozneje v 21 delovnih dneh po prejemu vrnjenih izdelkov.

Če ste prejeli napačen ali poškodovan izdelek:

  1. Preko spleta izpolnite in oddate obrazec za vračilo. Označite razlog za vračilo blaga.
  2. Izdelke pošljite na zgornji naslov. Nujno priložite račun.
  3. Vašo zahtevo bomo obdelali takoj, ko prejmemo vaš paket oziroma najkasneje v 5. dneh po prejemu paketa. Trudimo se, da so naše stranke zadovoljne, zato bomo storili vse, kar je v naši moči, da zadevo rešimo ugodno in v najkrajšem možnem času.

Izjava o prehranskih in zdravstvenih trditvah

Vse informacije, dostopne v spletni trgovini Vitalgo.si, so zgolj informativnega značaja in v nobenem primeru niso namenjene kot nadomestilo nasvetov osebnega zdravnika ali drugega zdravstvenega osebja. Informacije tudi ne morejo nadomeščati ustrezne zdravstvene pomoči, saj niso priznana s strani zdravstvenih avtoritet.

Izdelki in trditve o izdelkih v spletni trgovini Vitalgo.si niso bili preverjeni s strani državnih inštitucij, poleg tega izdelki niso namenjeni zdravljenju ali preprečevanju bolezni. Opisi izdelkov ter slikovni materiali izdelkov so zgolj informativne narave.

Če jemljete druga zdravila ali prehranska dopolnila, se pred uživanjem športne prehrane in dodatkov posvetujete s svojim osebnim zdravnikom.

Odveza odgovornosti

BIMO, d.o.o., Kranj se v vsakem trenutku trudi zagotavljati točne in zadnje veljavne podatke (pogoji, cene, pravila). Ker je svetovni splet živo okolje in se lahko določene stvari spremenijo v trenutku, prodajalec ne more zagotavljati, da ne bo prišlo do morebitnih zamud pri ažurnosti objave novih podatkov. BIMO, d.o.o., Kranj ne more garantirati nemotenega delovanja spletnega mesta, vsekakor pa se bo trudilo, da bo temu tako.

V primeru tehničnih okvar ali nedelovanja spletne trgovine Vitalgo.si bo v najhitrejšem možnem roku poskrbelo za ponovno delovanje. V primeru tehničnih težav med potekom nakupa, BIMO, d.o.o., Kranj ne prevzema odgovornosti za morebitno nastalo škodo na strani kupca.

Pritožbe in spori

V primeru, da se kupec ne strinja z veljavno prakso prodajalca ali katerim izmed njegovih postopkov, se lahko na prodajalca obrne preko telefonske številke 04 231 14 22 ali e-poštnega naslova info@vitalgo.si.

Prodajalec se bo vedno potrudil za zadovoljstvo svojih strank. V primeru nerešljivih sporov je za reševanje le-teh pristojno okrajno sodišče v Ljubljani.

Ti pogoji poslovanja veljajo od 1. 4. 2020 do preklica oz. objave novih pogojev.

Terms of Purchase

The terms and conditions of purchase on this page determine the rights and obligations of the buyer, on the first visit to the online store as well as on all subsequent visits. The seller (BIMO, d.o.o., Kranj) declares that the conditions of purchase are in accordance with the Consumer Protection Act (ZVPot), the Personal Data Protection Act (Zvop-1) and the recommendations of the Chamber of Commerce of Slovenia.

The provider/seller undertakes to provide the buyer with constant access to the information defined in the list below:

  • Information about the seller (name and address of the company).
  • Payment information and related conditions.
  • Detailed description of the goods.
  • Clear prices without hidden costs (information on the amount of tax and postage).
  • Methods of delivery of purchased goods.
  • Conditions in case of possible rejection of goods and reimbursement of incurred costs.

Terms and conditions of purchase and business may change at any time without prior notice. By simply using the website, the customer agrees to the latest published terms.

The customer agrees to use the website in a legal manner, in accordance with the law and the terms of business. In doing so, the buyer undertakes not to harm the provider’s rights in any way and not to use the website in an unauthorized manner.

Ordering goods in the online store takes place 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. When ordering outside of working hours, please note that the order will be processed the next working day.

Payment methods

The operator of the online store, BIMO, d.o.o., Kranj, offers the following payment methods for the purpose of paying for goods in the online store:

  • Cash on delivery.
  • Payment by credit cards.

Prices of goods

All prices in the online store Vitalgo.si are considered to already include value added tax (VAT), unless it is explicitly stated otherwise. The prices are valid from the moment of the order and when payment is made via one of the payment methods listed above. Delivery charges are not included in the basic price.

Notices and contact information

The buyer will be informed about the purchase via the provided e-mail address. In the event that the buyer enters an incorrect delivery address, the purchase is nevertheless considered completed and the buyer has no right to withdraw from the purchase.

Before making a purchase, the buyer must agree to the terms of purchase published on this page. Consent is given in the form of a ticked box before completing the purchase process, where a link to the terms of purchase is also available.


We deliver the ordered goods through Pošta Slovenija. Delivery is made within a maximum of 48 hours from the moment of confirmation of the order.

International Shipping

In the case of online purchases where the delivery location is located abroad (not in Slovenia), the exact cost will be communicated to the customer afterwards, as the amount of the cost depends on the selected country, the weight of the package, etc.

If you want to make a purchase in our online store with a place of delivery abroad (not in Slovenia) and are interested in the price of delivery, send us an email at info@vitalgo.si.

Return of goods

If the buyer is not satisfied with the goods received, or finds out that it is not the goods he bought, he has the right to complain. Complaints are sent via the online form, after which the seller checks the purchase process and dispatches. If it is determined that there was an error on the seller’s side, the purchase price for the product will be returned to the buyer. After receiving the shipment, the buyer has 8 days to make a possible complaint.

The goods must be returned to the company’s address:

BIMO, d.o.o., Kranj
Savska loka 21B
4000 Kranj

Return of the L’Etape Slovenia product in case the model or number does not fit

If you are not satisfied with the product, you can return it within 14 days of receiving the package without giving a reason. You can only return undamaged and unworn products, with all tags and the attached receipt. Please fill out the return form found on our website.

Send the package to:

Bimo d.o.o.
Savska loka 21b
4000 Kranj

Return and exchange

You can choose to return the product in exchange for a refund. Exchanges are not possible.

To return a product, follow the steps below:

  1. Complete and submit the return form online.
  2. Send the products to the above address. Be sure to attach the invoice.
  3. We will process your request as soon as we receive your package, or at the latest within 5 days after receiving the package. You can expect a refund within 21 working days from the day we process your return.

If you return the products to another address, we may not receive your return and therefore we will not be able to approve it.

The cost of postage in the case of a return is borne by the buyer, when we send the desired product back to you, the cost of postage is also covered by the buyer. Refunds for returned products will be made using the same payment method you chose when purchasing. The purchase price will be refunded no later than 21 working days after receiving the returned products.

If you received a wrong or damaged product:

  1. Complete and submit the return form online. Mark the reason for returning the goods.
  2. Send the products to the above address. Be sure to attach the receipt.
  3. We will process your request as soon as we receive your package, or at the latest within 5 days after receiving the package. We strive to keep our customers satisfied, so we will do everything in our power to resolve the matter favorably and in the shortest possible time.

Nutrition and health claims statement

All information available in the Vitalgo.si online store is for informational purposes only and is in no way intended to replace the advice of a personal physician or other medical staff. The information also cannot replace appropriate medical assistance, as it is not recognized by medical authorities.

The products and product claims in the Vitalgo.si online store have not been verified by state institutions, and the products are not intended to treat or prevent diseases. Product descriptions and product images are for informational purposes only.

If you are taking other medications or nutritional supplements, consult your personal physician before consuming sports nutrition and supplements.


BIMO, d.o.o., Kranj strives to provide accurate and up-to-date information (conditions, prices, rules) at all times. Since the World Wide Web is a living environment and certain things can change at a moment’s notice, the seller cannot guarantee that there will not be any delays in the timeliness of the publication of new information. BIMO, d.o.o., Kranj cannot guarantee the uninterrupted operation of the website, but it will definitely try to make it so.

In case of technical malfunctions or non-functioning of the Vitalgo.si online store, it will restore operation as soon as possible. In the event of technical problems during the purchase process, BIMO, d.o.o., Kranj does not assume responsibility for possible damage on the part of the buyer.

Complaints and disputes

In the event that the buyer does not agree with the seller’s current practice or any of its procedures, he can contact the seller via the phone number 04 231 14 22 or the e-mail address info@vitalgo.si.

The seller will always do his best to satisfy his customers. In case of unsolvable disputes, the district court in Ljubljana is competent to resolve them.

These terms of business are valid from 1 April 2020 until cancellation or publication of new conditions.